Phoenix, Arizona MUFON

NEXT MEETING: January 25th, 2024

Melinda Leslie

Disclosing My Personal ET Abduction Story

Melinda Leslie will “disclose” her own extraterrestrial abduction experiences and contact story. Melinda feels strongly that we can’t have an official UFO disclosure if we’re not willing to tell our own stories. And that disclosure starts with each of us individually being willing to stand up and share our own truth. She hopes that by her doing so, she’ll inspire other abductees and contactees to do the same.  

In this era of government UFO disclosure, it is important that abductee’s voices are heard amongst the cacophony and that the abduction phenomenon is part of any Disclosure discussion. In order to ensure this Melinda encourages everyone with ET experiences to come forward and be heard so that all forms of contact are included for an accurate and eventual understanding of the complete truth.

While many of you may be familiar with Melinda and her UFO Sighting Tours, you may not be familiar with her lifetime of personal UFO and ET encounter experiences and how her years of involvement in the UFO field all started. Melinda says she gets asked constantly about her own experiences, but since the story is pretty detailed, there often isn't time for her to go very deep. But, in this presentation, with ample time, she will.

1300 N. College Ave.
Tempe, AZ.

January 25th, 2024

12 pm - 3 pm
Admission $15

MELINDA LESLIE is a UFO abductee and has been public with both her own extraterrestrial and covert-ops human abduction experiences for 34 years. She is considered by many to be the authority on a military and intelligence agency involvement in UFO/extraterrestrial abduction cases. Her extensive abduction research and personal experiences have been featured in over 30 books by prominent authors in ufology.

Melinda is an investigator in the UFO field with 35 years of experience and has researched individuals involved in it's "cover-up" for 32 years. For 14 years she has been the Owner of UFO Sighting Tours in Sedona, Arizona, where she has conducted over 1,920 tours with the use of military Night Vision Goggles.

Phoenix MUFON on January 25th, 2024. Join us!!

Navigating the US Intelligence Community for UFOlogists 
- John Ramirez PowerPoint presentation from the February 26, 2022 meeting

Melinda Leslie

January 25th, 2025

Ryan Burns

February 22nd, 2025

Whitley Strieber

March 29th, 2025

Alejandro Rojas

April 12th, 2025

Debbie Ziegelmeyer

May 17th, 2025

Paul and Joel Hynek

June 7th, 2025

Marc D'Antonio

July 26th, 2025

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